June 22, 2011


Today at lunch my friend introduced me to the new love of my life - Pinterest.  It's a website where you can log all the cool things you find on-line.  This is one of those things that once you see it you think why didn't I think of that?!  I cannot tell you how many times I saw something I LOVED or HAD TO HAVE on-line but was too lazy to write it down or didn't have a pen and paper handy.  No worries, because now you can let pinterest do all the work!

If you're as crazy obsessed as I am, you can add a "pin it" button to your web browser to automatically pin something to your board.  I just found out about this at lunch today and have spent the majority of my afternoon checking out other people's "boards,"  check mine out here!  You can "repin" other people's pins, pin your own things from another blog or website and just waste away the day - seriously.  Also, it automatically connects you with all your facebook friends and twitter followers so you're already following other boards - or can follow new ones.

Here are a few of the things I "pinned" today:

Hello Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip!!!!

Now I need to throw a party so I can do this!

My cousin did something like this at her wedding and I thought it was so pretty.

A table made out of 2x4s how simple and cute is that!?

Who's coming with me to Santorini?

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